
cargoFARAD is proud to introduce cargo deck heaters. This follows the successful drop-in replacement of existing heat exchanging equipment with Farad heaters for a number of clients. The deck heater Heat Exchangers, is an integral part of the cargo handling system on a crude carrier. It provides heating to the cargo in each tank, when heating is required in order to prevent solidification.

FARAD cargo heaters are of the shell and tube type, which is a tested heat exchanger type used in many oil and gas applications. FARAD Cargo Heater design does not tie the ship owner to a specific equipment vendor. The heat exchanger is installed vertically onto the deck. The shell is easily removed for cleaning, inspection and access.

Full stainless steel 316L fabrication

Easy cleaning for quick cargo changeover

Easy to repair without the need for special toolin

Installation without the need for hot work


Engineering Design
Heat transfer design is based on state of the art software. The heating capacity will be adequate even after extensive use and accumulation of fouling on the heat transfer surfaces. Additionally, the heater has been designed to cope with the most viscous crude oil cargoes. Overall, the deck heater is designed for reliability and long service life.
Approval is available from all major classification societies.



Design data

Heat capacity Up to 1250 kW
Cargo side volumetric flow Up to 300 m3/h
Design pressure and temperature cargo side 14 barg, 100 °C
Design pressure and temperature heating side 10 barg, 190 °C


FC Configurator